Healing massage is a specialized procedure for a particular problem related to the locomotor system or peripheral nervous system disorders. A special set of techniques known from classical techniques is used, and the sequence and frequency of their performance depends on the particular pathological finding. The duration of healing massage in delhi can range from 30 minutes (partial) to 60 minutes (partial or complete).
The main difference between healing and classic full body massage in delhi is that the healing massage gives more time and attention to the problem zones (for one procedure, 1-2 problem areas are treated), whereas in the classical massage the time is evenly distributed between all the zones of the body without paying special attention to any of them.
Healing massage is shown for chronic phases of inflammatory processes – plexitis, radiculitis, osteochondrosis, syndromes, perceptions, etc. A series of 8 to 10 consecutive massages is recommended for a long lasting and better effect. The dosage and application is determined individually according to the specific pathological finding.
Healing massage can be combined with ultrasound therapy for pronounced pain syndrome for a stronger analgesic effect.
Healing massage 30 , 60 minutes