The art of foot reflexology consists of performing massages on the feet to calm certain evils and tensions that represent all the organs of the body. We facilitate the elimination of toxins by preventing certain diseases and disorders of health.
The feet usually do not receive the attention they need, and this is the basis of
the total structure of the body and a point of multitude of nerve endings.
The plant of the foot and the foot in all its set, represent of schematic form the totality of the human body and its organs.
Reflexology teaches that a vital energy or force circulates through all the organs of the body impregnating all the cells of the living tissues.
If this energy is blocked, the part of the body associated with the blockade is affected.
The obstructions of energy in our body are reflected in the hands and feet among others.
The pressure and massage techniques that are taught in reflexology are designed to eliminate the obstructions of energy, applying the massage we influence in a reflexive way on the corresponding organs or affected viscera.
By stimulating the blood and lymphatic system we favor the release of toxins and help the body to cure itself.
The good results in the treatments and the lack of side effects, make it nowadays a technique that is expanding, applied and used in health fields and physiotherapy centers …
The vision shown by the feet is a reflex projection, so we must understand that when we palpate an area in the feet we are receiving much more extensive and complete information and not only referred to that organ. They also tell us how the tissues and other structures are that protect, wrap and hold each organ in its correct place.
There is a graphic representation, which is established between the body and the feet, forming a three-dimensional hologram with different angles and perspectives. As we are in a three-dimensional world, the two feet allow us to establish a triangle with respect to the body, which means that any manipulation we make in them will have a favorable effect on the state of the body and vice versa. Everything that happens in our feet can alter the physiological functions of the body.
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