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A very popular type very sought after for both women and men in recent years is the reducer massage. This massage is ideal for reducing sizes as it eliminates the localized fat that accumulates in certain areas of the body. Finally it gives as a result a more stylized and stylized silhouette.

massage in delhi

If the massage is applied more intensely it can also fight cellulite and reduce its appearance completely. For their development they usually use steam, ice, mud of algae, clay or drainage oils.

The reducing massage in delhi is performed with more force and pressure in the areas that have accumulated more fat, this causes heat, helping to dissolve the fat tissue.

The movements that are made with this massage also increase the pace of circulation and accelerate local metabolism, reabsorb fats and increase the consumption of calories.

The most common parts for reducing body to body massage in delhi are hips, legs, arms and abdomen.

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